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 Companies Physiotherapy 

To contribute to developing motivational, healthy environments and activities for workers, I offer talks on prevention of injuries related to sedentary work or manual load transportation, massages, ergonomic assessments of work stations, and workplace exercise.


According to the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, every year millions of European workers, from across professions and sectors, are affected by work-related musculoskeletal injuries. European studies show that musculoskeletal injuries, specifically in the back, neck and upper limbs, are a health risk that comes at an increasing cost.

Musculoskeletal injuries are normally reported by European workers with any work-related health problem: 30% complain of backache; 17% complain of muscle pain in the arms and legs; 45% complain of pain caused by tiring postures, many of which are associated with manual movement of heavy loads at work.

The data indicates that, each year, over 30% of European workers suffer from back pain, corresponding to 44 million employees.

These health problems range from discomfort and slight pain to more acute pain requiring leave from work and medical and hospital treatment.

Treatment and recovery are often unsatisfactory, especially in chronic cases.

To help your company buck this trend, my physiotherapy services are at your entire disposal. Don't hesitate to contract them and improve your company’s health.


Physiotherapy in Companies



Workplace Exercise

30€ 1x/week

Workplace Exercise

55€ 2x/week

Workplace Exercise

€80 3x/week

Workplace Assessment


“I need a break” Massage




All my talks aim to discuss, guide and promote health and safety at work. I intend to raise awareness of the importance of a cautious attitude, allowing for recognition and correction of harmful conditions and practices in the workplace, and helping employees to retrieve values forgotten in the rush of daily life.

The topics of my talks are approached in an objective, clear and practical way, avoiding excessive use of technical language.

All talks last for an average of one hour.



Talk on prevention of work-related musculoskeletal disorders.

This talk provides clarification on work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSD), their associated symptoms, causes and risk factors, and ways to prevent these types of injuries.

The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (1998) conducted a survey on European workers, which revealed that they experienced some type of pain while working:  

► 45% pain caused by tiring postures;
► 35% backache;
► 17% muscle pain in the arms and legs.

palestra ricardo vargues
ginastica laboral

Workplace Exercise

Workplace exercise takes place on site and lasts an average of 15 minutes. It consists of stretching and strengthening exercises for the muscle structures involved in daily occupational tasks, and of decompression, motor skill and attention exercises.

The recommended exercises don’t make you physically tired or sweat; they are done wearing work clothing and their main aim is to prevent occupational illness.

Do you know the benefits of workplace exercise?

► It improves:
- physical fitness;
- psychological state;
- mood;
- concentration;
- poor posture;
- productivity.

► It promotes:
- integration in the workplace;
- healthy habits and a more active lifestyle.
► It reduces: 
- workplace accidents, due to improved reflexes, body awareness and joint and muscle flexibility;
- absences;
- costs of healthcare and psychological support;
- stress.

Workplace Exercise

Workplace Assessment

This service aims to evaluate whether employees’ postures in the workplace should be corrected, and whether work tools are used ergonomically.

Assessments are performed on an individual basis, and active participation from employees is expected.

This means that all implemented measures are adapted to individual needs, aiming not only for well-being during the working day, but also for prevention of incorrect posture and work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSD) over the course of time.

fisioterapia em empresas
Workplace Assessment

“I need a break” Massage

The benefits of workplace massage are shown to improve employees’ alertness, concentration, stress management and physical and mental well-being.

Opting for this service shows your company’s concern for its workers’ well-being and contributes to reducing absences.

Massages take place on site and last between a minimum of 15 minutes and a maximum of 30 minutes.

This service can be booked on a weekly or monthly basis, or even for a one-off occasion: at Christmas, on Labor Day, or on your business anniversary, for example.

► Benefits of massage for companies:

— reduced absences due to occupational illness;
— increased worker motivation and productivity;
— increased quality of life for workers;
— improved company image;
— improved co-worker relationships;
— feeling that the company shows care and concern for its workers.

► Benefits of massage for workers:

— increased capacity for concentration;
— reduced stress;
— reduced tiredness;
— relief from muscle pain and tension;

— improved health and prevention of work-related musculoskeletal disorders.


 Clients and Partners 

Clients and Partners
"A professional of excellence, always mindful to the needs of the company's employees. Very friendly and empathetic with each one. Exactly what we need to relax in the work environment."

Alexandra Dias, Marketing Manager 

MediaMarkt Portugal

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